Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Today in the world

     I don't really follow elections all the time, and in the past I have voted on the Democrat side. The common consensus would be that we are all voting or the lesser of two evils. Donald Trump is most likely going to succeed as the Republican party nominee. Hillary Clinton most likely will be the Democratic nominee. I am not sure how oddball this country has become that the Don has been taken seriously at all. It seems very peculiar to me. Now I know that Hillary seems to have her own issues, but when it comes down to it, as everything unfolds, this is all a ploy just to hand the presidency to her. Bernie Sanders has a couple interesting ideas, but I wouldn't consider him to be a really viable candidate.
     I am fairly sure I will never run for president. Why? For one, I don't know how to do the job. I can talk to people, as I do tend a bar, but I don't really know much about foreign policy or how to be a mayor, much less a president. For two, I don't want to have half of America pissed off at me at any given time. If you look at Facebook you can see so many people venting and saying how much Obama has ruined the country. Obama hasn't ruined shit. If America is ruined, it is because of everybody. I don't think it is though. The system is eventually going to fail because it is a finite system. There will be a ceiling, and when we hit it, things will fail. Perhaps we have already hit it. I will have to reevaluate that in the next year or so. In any event I am not worried that anything major will happen. There will be another poster child for half of America to be pissed off at any given time, and another one after that. I am going to get ready for work now, because people will come to the bar. They will come to the bar when they are happy, sad, pissed, angry, or aloof. They will come to the bar just because the alcohol is there. I will make sure they leave happy.