Sunday, July 12, 2015

Day 1: The initiating

     So, this is going to be the first installation in what I hope grows to be something at least a little bit interesting. As some of you know, or some of you may not, my name is James West. I am a child of the seventies and grew up in the lovely state of Montana. I am going to attempt to inspire thought and evoke a feeling every once in a while through making fun of the world and pointing out the obvious.
     I am not the smartest person around, but I understand a lot. I am not religious, but we can get into that later. I have a family that makes my world a better place, and I tend bar in a pretty nice place. I get to meet and engage a lot of people on a daily basis, and get their insight on things I haven't thought about, so sometimes I might come with information I have just received.
     In any event, I encourage anybody who stumbles across this page to check it out and give feedback and/or opposing opinions.

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